Thursday, August 30, 2007

Heaven on Thailand

It's actually been a month since Bret and I came back from Thailand, but we're already wondering when we can go back. While Thailand was amazing for the beaches and food and helpful service, at four months into our stay in India, more than anything Thailand was everything that India is not:
We swam in clean (!) ocean water, drank imported Belgian beer, walked through streets without piles of trash burning, wore a bikini on a beach without having to deal with ogling men hovering nearby -- well I did, at least-- ate seafood every night without the fear of being violently ill the next day, enjoyed customer service from waiters and staff who were actually nice and helpful, and were offered a cheap Thai massage every time we left our bungalow (no, this does not happen on my way to work from Visantha Valley).

As you can probably guess, as my trip is winding down I'm getting more and more excited for everything that places like Thailand -- and California! -- have to offer. I can't wait for sushi, burritos, big salads from the Google cafes, fresh air, clean water, quiet streets, paneer-free meals, bagels, really good coffee... okay still another month to go-- I really shouldn't get carried away.

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